Monday, May 24, 2010

Liar, Cheater, Deciever, Heartbreaker < | 3

Is it me or is love a l w a y s blinding ? Because anyone that I know is in love is completely blinded by that other person and everything else around them is invisible. They see nothing else, they throw away everything just for their partner....
I don't think that's cool. it makes me sad that I've lost friends because they're completely live blind.

what happens is that they get real far in a relationship w| someone and because they do that they believe it's going to be that one for the rest of time. it may happen like that sometimes but very rarely. when people do that, they aren't prepared for the heartache and the heart break. nothing last forever. peace, love, happiness, food, heath, even eyesight; none of that crap lasts forever. because we all have to die sometime and somehow. that person that your in love with isn't going to save you from death when it comes. they won't. they'll try, but they won't.

I have friends that are freakin' 14,15,16, and 17 years old and been in a relationship for like seven months and think that shit's going to be forever. they believe it until they think that nothing bad is going to happen with that person and when heartache's come and when reality takes a slap at their relationship they dont know how to handle it. they dont. it's because they've been in such a happy place for such a long time and when that crap comes then, they're lost, they go in complete despair and cry and go right into depression mode and THEN that when they want to turn back to their friends for advice and help.

they care a shit about them when they were in a happy relationship then that's when they want to talk. it pisses me off to even watch that shit happen. because I am always the friend being cut off and forgotten and when they break up then I'm Mrs. Therapy. Fuck that. that's why I don't get close to people at all. even if I do get close then I have those deep moments of closing myself off from them because I'm am afraid of getting hurt. Yes. i admit it. I'm afraid of getting hurt.I'm not saying that you should close yourself off from the world and not fall in love, but don't forget the ones who got you through all the heartaches before. all the friends that held your hand through all the rough spots and all the other shit.

dont forget about the ones that are going to be their longer than some boy or some girl. I know for a fact that its not a good feeling when your being left behind because a friend got into a relationship and it got strong.

Even when the friend didn't do it on purpose, they may not realize that your long talks are now about that persons boyfriend or girlfriend, or that the long talks are now becoming short conversations about school or projects. or even that when they're in a bad mood because of a fight about their boyfriend or girlfriend, it being taken out on you.

Here's my advice: tell them.
say something, dont just be quiet because you think your overreacting, tell them.

It saves you a lot of heart ache and crying at night. ( only if your a person like me that cry's about everything wrong )

don't forget to fall in love, it's beautiful ♥
Just watch where and how your falling before you fall into some deep deep chocolate ♥(:

( Sorry i got kind of personal there, I just get aggravated because it's a bad feeling and I don't want other people to go through it ) ; *

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