Wednesday, May 19, 2010

whaaa ? / confusion much ?

So, I've been hearing about this new "Tumblr" crap . what the noodles is it ? Is like a blog site like this one ? or just a cheat copy ? if ti was a cheap copy then why in the hell is everyone on it & not this ? ! grr. I hate things that confuse me .

speaking of confusing, life . life is confusing .

I always listen to my instinct when it comes to things like relationships and even when its my friends relationships. I'm always the one they come to when things are starting out good and start going real bad. I am just intuitive . that's how it is . This one freaking time I like the mind and body take over the heart for a friend, the whole thing seems like its going fine and then BOOM ! that shxt goes and turns upside down.

and it sucks because I was the one who was all for this crap & now it feels like its my responsibility that this whole this blew up in her face or is going to blow up i her face! this is way I usually keep my awesome powers to myself and not share them with others because I'm the best friend, and I feel shitty .

ugh . but on the bright side, I made a funny joke today & I'm going to help out another friend today & hopefully lead HER in the right directions this time. :D

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